Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Can't Explain: My audio/software response

1. Discuss your experiences with building your microphones. Was this process more or less what you thought it would be? How did your microphone rig work on your Drift walks? Were you able to capture both overall ambiance and extreme closeups? Describe your ideal microphone and recorder setup, with unlimited time and money.
- My experiences with the microphones were overall very good. The mics at first were malfunctioning because I hadn't soddered them on right, but after a good four hours, I managed to get them to work. On my drift walks they were amazing. I really feel they were super cool, and I was able to carefully collect sounds may it be the outer noises or the close up sounds I was trying to get. My IDEAL microphone would probably be one I could use with a boom stick. I would be comfortable lugging this around because my girlfriend came along with me and she could help carry the equipment. And for recording, I was actually okay with the mini discs but It would be nice to use something more professional. But I'm not picky.

2. How was your experience with operating the MiniDisc recorder? How does this recorder compare to other audio equipment you've used? In an ideal world, how would your recorder of choice function?
-The minidisc recorders were great. It organized my sounds well and I could erase them if I wanted to. Compared to the rest of the recording stuff I rank it 2nd place below the headphones because those headphones are amazing. My ideal recorder though would have the same features of a Minidisc but I don't know. More professional probably. I know that's wrong to think like that but yeah.

3. Discuss the audio-editing software you chose and your history with this application. If you used this software for the first time, explain why you chose this particular application and how you think it helped you to accomplish your creative goals (or proved detrimental). Will you use this software again for future projects?

- I chose audacity because it was recommended for the class. It was confusing at first but I managed to get over that and work well with it in the end. Trial and error was the basic strategy, not much to really it was self explanatory. My biggest problem is my conversion to Mac, because I'm not used to Mac, so I still need to figure out how it works and such. It helped achieve my goals not only in the first draft but it will be much easier in the second one as well. I actually look forward to using audacity to mess with sounds again for future projects.

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