Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pure and Easy: Reading Response #2

The article of which I have chosen was in fact an interview between Frank Bures and Will Self on Self's new book entitled "Pyschogeography". The book encourages people to think outside of our automobiles and airplanes and take minute to actually realize where we are in this world and not take the small things in life for granted.

Will Self was used his method to deal with drug problems he possessed. He grew up walking with his mother and father and after having an epithany in 1988 he's been walking some 26-30 mile walks. Walking soothes him and you feel one with nature separating yourself from the urban life of city sidewalks and automobiles.

The article spoke to me in the sense that I do love to walk for long extended amounts of time with my ipod and just feel the world around me. Another special thing for me is when I'm out and about with my girlfriend and we can walk for hours just talking and thinking and holding each other. Just today we braved the windy weather and walked out on the beach, and it was extremely romantic and memorable.

As a media artist I have always been interested in the things that are real and full of life. Cities and towns may have been built around it, but nature lives on in a wonderful way actually growing up around the buildings and accepting them as the background. No matter waht happens in the world I feel nature spiritually is smarter then us. (Listen to me, I sound like I work for greenpeace........ah, whatever.)

So I have plans of using actual scenery in my projects in the future and instead of it declared as background, I want the trees and flowers and leaves all around to be in way characters themselves, so that my movies have good story and breath-taking scenery. My goal: a visual genius. (Someone sounds egotistical.)